I go away for 1 week, sign into my blog and discover the new blogger layout! And a lot of reading to catch up on!
In my absence there's been some growing going on...I've been out to check on the veggie patch...There are green shoots, the rocket's rocketing the spring onions are springing up, the carrot seedlings are showing there heads and we have the beginnings of three strawberries. There's something so rewarding about watching what you've planted grow.
Three strawberries, one for me, one for the big lad, and one for Mary... |
Last weekend, me and two of my oldest buddies met up for a mooch in Belfast, and I bought this cute handmade strawberry brooch from
BEADYLICIOUS who had a stall in the Fashion Souk at the In shops, I love it!
And while on the strawberry theme..I found this berry nice tapestry in a charity shop for £3, a latest edition to craft corner..
WOO HOO It's Friday, it's the big lads birthday, it's a sunny day, what more could you ask for! Hope you all have a fab Friday xx