Before I start, I fear I may have got a little bit over excited about last weekend, I'm easily excited!
This is a story of joy and sadness.......
It all started when a few weeks ago, when I recieved a facebook message from a Primary 1 friend called Jonny. I haven't seen Jonny in years, only bumping into him a couple of times since we left school, but through the wonders of Facebook he'd seen that I love vintage stuff!
We had matching hair doos |
28 years later |
His brother had just bought a house in the town where I grew up. Sadly the lady who owned the house has dementia and now lives in a home, her husband died and they had no family, the house was being sold to pay for her care. The house hadn't been occupied in over five years and was exactly the way the she had left it, frozen in time....
Jonny invited me down to see if there was anything I could make use of before it all went to be recycled, dumped or sold.
My sister and I made the trip....The house was something else! Acid yellow wood work and pink walls! 70's curtains and amazing vintage furniture. This lady and I could have shared style tips! By the time we arrived the clear up had begun, I'd have loved to have seen the house just as it was left.
We were shown which piles we could hunt through and I swear all my Christmases came at once!! Fabric, fabric and more fabric, OK, so it all stinks but I can wash it! This lady must have been a fabric hoarder (hangs ahead and looks shifty) she had packets of unopened curtains, tableclothes, sheets and bedspreads lots and lots of them!
By now Jonny is thinking my sister and I are totally mental, his mum is looking at us with great pity in her eyes......
After a good rummage we left, my car four bin bags heavier.....The fabric deserves a post of it's own, I'll take photos this weekend for part two...fabric photos!
I dumped the lot on the kitchen floor, that's not even half of it! It will all have to be washed but I'll wait until the better weather so I can get it out on the line. |
After the afternoon in the house I couldn't stop thinking about the lady all this belonged to....What was she like? Why did she have so much fabric!? I couldn't help but feel bad that we'd been in this ladies house but I hope she'd be happy that her fabrics and trinkets have gone to a good home.
It was great to see Jonny again after all these years! Thank you SO MUCH for letting us rummage!! I have enough fabric to last a life time!
Tomorrow I'm having a haircut, I'm contemplating the
big chop again, (weird It's almost a year to the day I had it all whacked off, must be a February thing)
And I called into the vets on the way home on the off chance they might have a kitten needing a new home!
They do! Our family might be growing! 5 month old Rodger, I've to call in again next week and talk to the vet, so we'll see >^^<
Have a brilliant weekend everyone xx