Monday, 26 December 2011

The Big Day!!

Well.... Did HE come?
Yesterday was so much fun! The big lad and I spent our first Christmas day together! (we've been together 12 years but he usually goes to his family and I usually go to mine) so this year was extra special! We opened lovely presents, ate like kings, learned the history of Tom Smith (He invented the Christmas cracker) watched my parents wedding and old family cine films projected onto a big screen, played retro games and ate loads of chocolate then in the evening headed to the big lad's family for more fun and more cheeeeeeeese! I'm all cheesed out! Too much cheese before bedtime and I had a nightmare that I'd killed Phil Mitchell and written a confession in the Argos catalogue, strange indeed!
Nice surprise! The big lad bought me the Riverisland cat jumper!!!! The hints on the blog have proved very useful when it comes to presents! LOVE IT : )

We played our retro board games but when SOMEONE (you know who you are) is the world's biggest cheat and worst loser, we gave up and played a free for all version of Articulate...gets the old cogs turning again!
Bring on the Boxing Day festivities, my aunt and uncle are resurrecting the family Christmas party and it's a 1950's theme this year!
Hope you're all having lovely family time this Christmas xx

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