Growing up I was always used to wearing hand me downs, I have two older sisters and lots of older cousins. I used to love the excitement when an aunt would call to say she had a giveaway bag, usually a bin bag full of clothes to try on. My sisters and I still swap clothes, if we're having a clearout we'll see if anyone wants anyhing before it goes to the charity shop. My sister and I went to see Advanced Style which was brilliant! Before the film I was putting something in her carboot and noticed a suitcase, a friend of hers was having a clearout and sent the clothes to her to see if she wanted anything. The anticapation of what might be inside the suitcase was bubbling, I couldn't wait to have a hoke after the film! I saved two dresses, both from late 1980s I think, one from Marks and Spencer and this one from Debenhams. it's a bit big for me, but I wore it yesterday on a lovely sunny day here and it was lose and floatly and a good cover up for my fair skin.
Do you like swapping clothes with family and friends?
Have a great day everyone xx
That dress looks great on you. xxxx
ReplyDeleteI wish I could sew sooo much! You look lovely in your dress and I'm so impressed with your imagination. Who knew you could take out shoulder pads and take off a collar... wouldn't even occur to me!