I laughed when I read
'My Bag or her Bag' by A Thrifty Mrs, the things people do for the love of a good brown bag! This week I've had a couple of compliments on my lastest bag so I thought I'd share my collection. When it comes to brown bags it seems that I have a bit of a thing, like my many other thrifting addictions I can't seem to say no when I see one! EEK!! I am now only one bag short of having a different bag for every day of the week! How many brown bags does one girl need?? I hear you say......I use them all!! (Well most of them)......Each bag is special, let me explain...
This little brown bag, bought from a charity shop in Ballinahinch (It amazes me how I remember this) The perpect bag for holiday evenings, my friends dog chewed the strap, even she found it tasty! |
This little brown bag reminds me of my granny, she kept her spare change in the bottom of her handbag, she would open her bag and give us 50p for helping in her garden and we got a sweetie from the tin! |
This little brown bag, I forgot I had! I bought it from a charity shop on the Cregagh Road, the perfect shopping trip bag. |
This little brown bag, also from the Cregagh Road, a brilliant going out bag, big enough for the essentials, money, phone, lip balm and it converts from bag with a strap to the best bum bag when the dancing kicks off! |
This little brown bag, my ultimate thrifting bargain! From a charity shop in Newry, I asked the guy "How much is this bag", he said "£2", I thought...NICE ONE, and when I went to the till to pay, the lady at the desk said "£2, that's too much, give me £1" WOOP WOOP!!!! ONE POUND! RIDICULOUS!! This is my weekend bag....and favourite. |
And finally.....Phew!! My latest brown bag, £5 from a car boot sale, perfect for work, I can fit so much into this bag! I love all its compartments, I can find everything easily. the guy I bought it off said it was from the 50's, I imagine it belonged to a geography teacher : ) |
.....and I went weeeee weeeeee weeeeeeee all the way home!
So if you see me in a charity shop...and I have one hand on another brown bag and one hand in my purse, feel free to wrestle it from my hands and shout at me...I DON'T THINK YOU NEED ANOTHER BROWN BAG!!!!
What's your bag baby?
Hope you're all having a fab Friday! xx
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