We're home after a mini break in Edinburgh. What an amazing city! The architecture is beautiful, steeped in history, we had a great time......but surprisingly I've hardy taken any photos....too busy looking around, taking it all in! We seen a show in the Edinburgh Festival theatre, Jay and Silent Bob get old, not so much anything about getting old, more them talking a little about their visit to Scotland (haggis, Loch Ness monster etc), and ALOT about sex... the show...meh, the venue...wow!, a deceiving, modern glass fronted buliding that behind the frontage hides a stunning theatre from 1928. We visited Edinburgh Castle, breath taking views of the city (literally....it was very windy), brushed up on my Scottish history. We walked miles! the best way to see a city, even managed to mooch in the city's charity shops (couldn't help myself) All and all a fab time had by all! Home last night to a very hyper Mary who obviously missed the company!!

We missed pancake Tuesday but made up for it this morning...YUM! And so starts lent..... Last year I gave up chocolate, it was ridiculously hard (I LOVE CHOCOLATE!) but I'm going chocfree again (???? I like the challegne) so if the blog gets a little....angry, you'll know why! Giving anything up for lent?