Monday 30 December 2013

Nail Obsession

I'm obsessed with my new set of nail polishes! I've had a new colour change everyday (sometimes twice a day!) I've been sat here watching tv, eating choc and nail painting but I've got my energy back and with the new year just around the corner it's time to get going with some of the projects that need finishing!

My sandwich ring, a Christmas present from the big lad! I've just started a new job in a sandwich shop! Sandwiches are a girls best friend.

Happy New year to you all! I hope that 2014 brings lots of happiness and health xxx

Friday 27 December 2013

Gold nails and a tin of roses

The last couple of days have been spent sofa surfing while I try and get over a cold, I'm always sick at Christmas! From the comfort of the sofa, I've watched The Hobbit, been reading my new photography books and painted my nails sparkly gold.
New old tin, a present from my sister
Nail polishes, enough for a different colour for every nail, a present from my sister Bob
Lovely photography books from my friend Kathryn
It's nice to have time to recharge the batteries, have a lovely weekend everyone xx

Thursday 26 December 2013

Mary Christmas

Hope you're all having a relaxing Christmas! xx

Friday 20 December 2013

This Christmas

Merry Christmas every one xxx

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Christmas wreath making (this years efforts)

It's become a Christmas tradition of mine that I make my own Christmas wreath, I use cuts from our tree, fir from the garden, and help myself to some of the ivy from the neighbours garden which grows over the fence. This year my mum gave me some pine cones and I added a few baubles and a Merry Christmas sign for extra sparkle. It's extremely windy tonight in Belfast so hopefully it'll still be on the door tomorrow! My wreath in 2011 efforts from 2012

What crafty Christmas traditions you have? xx

Sunday 15 December 2013

Pom Pom Wreath

Hello lovelies,
Christmas has arrived at our house, we put the tree up today and I made a wreath for the front door. I love our house at Christmas, the smell of the pine tree, the twinkling lights and candles and rediscovering all my favourite vintage decorations. This Christmas is going to be extra special because it's Phil's first Christmas! Here's a little Christmas project I finished last week, a pom pom wreath, it's hanging in the hall beside the newly framed picture of the big lad's father's uncle John James Halfpenny who died fighting for King and Country in World War II age 27.
I made a circle shape for the frame using twisted newspaper and parcel tape, made lots of pom poms and attached them using a needle and wool through the pom pom and tying them on...

 I love how this project turned out.

Hope you've all had a lovely weekend xxx

Wednesday 11 December 2013

As the light faded

It's my first week in my new job and I'm starting to get used to the early starts and new routine. It's a big change for me and being the new girl for the first time in twelve years is strange but I like it! My new years mantra at the start of this year was to embrace change, the change has finally happened and I'm embracing it with a massive bear hug!
On the way to the wedding reception last Wednesday we stopped for a quick photo as the light was fading....

Bob in black

And me looking like I need a wee
 Apparently Fridays are the busiest in my new work so I figure if I can make it through Friday then I should be ok, wish me luck!
Ps, check out the point on my dads winkle pickers! you could put your eye out with thon boots! I wonder where I get my style from ; )

Hope you're all having a great week xx

Sunday 8 December 2013

Wedding Favours

My cousin got married last Wedenesday, he asked me to make bunting to decorate the room. Of course I said yes! I didn't want to share this on the blog until after the big day, wedding day colours always seem to be top secret! So as a little wedding favour, they choose the fabric and I set about making. I loved making this and I had a little bit of fabric left over for something extra....

Congratulations to Matthew and Sarah! xx

Hope you're all having a great weekend!